Eyyub Abasov’s Novel Shared in a Virtual World
Frequently visited literature portals, such as dibace.net (Turkey), alanbatnews.ne, johinanews.com, nbnjo.com (Jordan), alharir.info (Algeria), mustaqila.com and ashurnews.com (Iraq) have posted excerpts from a two-volume historical novel ‘Zangezur’ by Eyyub Abasov, a notable Azerbaijani writer.
The excerpts depict the sceneries of bloodthirsty massacre committed in 1918-1920 by Armenians in the ancient Azerbaijani district of Zangezur and reflect the true picture of forcible expulsion of the Azerbaijanis from their ancestral lands.
The translators are Farid Jamalov - the Arabic language translator-coordinator, and Sanan Naghiyev - the Turkish language translator-coordinator at AzSTC.
http://www.dibace.net/dunyadan/zengezur-romanindan-bolumler/ |
http://www.nbnjo.com/مركز-الترجمة-الحكومي-الأذربيجاني-ينشر-مقتطفات-من-رواية-“زَنجازور“ | |
https://alharir.info/%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%B2- |
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