“Hungarian Etudes” Book Out Now

The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) is pleased to announce the publication of “Hungarian Etudes”, which reflects the life and work of famous Hungarian scientists and luminaries of science who made a special contribution to the widespread acceptance and strengthening of the idea of Turanism.
The book, created on the basis of the analysis and research of the prominent philologist, Professor Vilayat Guliyev, is dedicated to the historical roots of the spiritual closeness of Hungarian-Turkish relations. The book includes the following chapters full of interesting facts and events: "Hunno-Turkic Kurultai and Turanism in Hungary", "The Scientist Who Made the Hungarians Know Themselves", "The Second Person in the History of Hungarian Turkology", "Ambassador of the Turkic Regions in Budapest", "The Last Mohican of European Turkology", "The Favourite "Turkish Tale" of Hungarian Prose."
The author of the preface is Vilayat Guliyev, and the editor is Irada Musaly.
When I was appointed ambassador to Hungary, by order of the head of the Azerbaijani state, I could not even imagine that I would stay in this Central European country for eleven years and that these eleven years would fly by unnoticeably. I arrived in Budapest on June 5, 2010. Eleven years, two months and five days later, I left the magnificent Hungarian capital. In other words, I had spent almost one-seventh of my life in the friendly country.
Definitely, there are various reasons why the years blend into one another imperceptibly and with cosmic speed. An environment of mutual understanding, cooperation and collaboration, which plays the role of the guiding wind for diplomatic activity, is primarily necessary. The friendliness of the country and society, communication with interesting people, new friends, travel opportunities, and similar factors also influence the elusive flow of time. Finally, completely different horizons open up in terms of topics, historical relations, and issues for people involved in scientific-literary, and artistic creativity in each new country.
During the six years of my work as an ambassador in Poland, on the basis of the materials gathered from the archives and libraries of the country, most of which had been included in scientific circulation for the first time, I prepared and published books and numerous articles: “From the heritage of political emigration of Azerbaijan in Poland. 1930s” (Torun, 2010; in Russian), “Polish Tatars in Azerbaijan” (Torun, 2011; in Russian), “General Maciej Sulkiewicz” (Warsaw, 2018; in Polish), “Poles in the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic” (Warsaw, 2018; in Polish).
There was another point that at one time Poland, like Azerbaijan, was occupied and annexed to Russia and this, in turn, stimulated the development of relations between the two countries from the beginning of the 19th century. In the Caucasus called "Hot Siberia", as well as in Baku a large Polish community existed. After the collapse of the Republic of Azerbaijan Poland became one of the centres of political emigration of Azerbaijan headed by Mahammad Amin Rasulzade. Therefore, there was no lack of topics related to our history, socio-political views and culture in this country, if only there would be a desire and time to work...
(to be continued in the book “Hungarian Etudes”)
Copies of the edition are available at the bookstores below:
‘Akademiya’ Book House
‘Baku Book Center’
‘BookZone’Book House
‘Chiraq’ Book House
‘Chinar’Book House
Book House of the Presidential Administration of the Azerbaijan Republic
Sales kiosk of Azerbaijan University of Languages.
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