Russian Institute for Literary Translation Presented Azerbaijani Books


Within the framework of the 10th Baku International Book Fair, the presentation ceremony of the books “The Day of Murder” (Yusif Samadoglu), “Five Minutes and Eternity” (Elchin) and “The Second Life of a Legend” (Elvira Arasly) published in Russia jointly with the State Translation Centre and the Russian Institute for Literary Translation was held.

Opening the event with an introduction speech, Pusta Akhundova, the Coordinator for Literary Relations with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine at the Centre, spoke about the close cooperation between the State Translation Centre and the Russian Institute for Literary Translation, and the projects implemented last year aimed at the Russian-Azerbaijani literary exchanges.

Yevgeny Reznichenko, the Director of the Russian Institute for Literary Translation, the notable poet, highly valued the activity of the Centre, which made significant contributions to the promotion of Russian literature in Azerbaijan, as well as Azerbaijani literature in Russia, and spoke about the importance of continued productive mutual cooperation in the future.

Later, Etimad Bashkechid, the writer-translator, Mahir Garayev and Imir Mammadli, the poet-translators, Prof. Telman Jafarov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, and others shared their views on the topical relevance and artistic merits of the works included in the books published in Russia.

Nushaba Vakilova, People’s Poet Vagif Samadoglu’s wife, and Humay Vakilova, People’s Writer Yusif Samadoglu’s daughter, who participated in the event, on behalf of their families thanked the Russian Institute for Literary Translation and the State Translation Centre for the published books.