Andrei Platonov’s “Chevengur” for the First Time in Azerbaijani

The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) has published the popular book “Chevengur” by Andrei Platonov, the world-famous writer, within the grant project of the Institute for Literary Translation (Russia).
According to the world literary scholars, the work, which combines such various genres and literary trends as lyrical satire, philosophical and ideological novel, folk epic, tragic utopia and anti-utopia, is presented with a preface entitled “Andrei Platonov’s Chevengur.”
The author of the translation of the novel from origin is Ilgar Alfi, a notable translator, and the editors are Bahlul Abbasov and Shafiga Shafa.
Copies of the edition are available at the bookstores below:
‘Akademiya’ Book House
‘Baku Book Center’
‘BookZone’ Book House
‘Chiraq’ Book House
‘Chinar’ Book House
Book House of the Presidential Administration of the Azerbaijan Republic
Sales kiosk of Azerbaijan University of Languages
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