Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli’s Creativity in the Israeli Literary Magazine

Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli’s Creativity in the Israeli Literary Magazine

“Artikl”, the popular Israeli literary magazine, has posted in Russian an excerpt from the novel “In the Crossfire” by Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli, the outstanding Azerbaijani writer, as part of the AzSTC project “Azerbaijan Literature in an International Virtual World.”

The excerpt has been presented in the “Works of Azerbaijani Authors” section created jointly with the State Translation Centre.

The author of the Russian translation is the well-known translator Pusta Akhundova, the Russian language specialist at the Centre.

It is worth noting that the literary magazine, followed by a wide auditorium of readers, regularly publishes works by such famous writers and poets as James Kenneth Stephen,

George Orwell, Justin Gorder, Stephen Covey, just to name a few.
