Translation Centre’s Book in the Top List of the International Book Fair

The book “The Second Life of the Legend” by Elvira Arasly, the popular children’s writer, published within the joint project of the Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) and the Russian Institute for Literary Translation, has been included in the children’s literature top list of the Non/fictioN (Spring) International Book Fair.
The book issued by the prominent Russian Rudomino Book Centre Publishing House includes the writer’s tales “The Secret of the Stubborn People’s City”, “The Magic Die”, and “The Second Life of the Legend”.
The editors of the book are Pusta Akhundova, the Russian language specialist at AzSTC, and Yuri Fridstein, the Russian literary critic and scientist.
It should be noted that the Russian International Intellectual Literature Book Fair, founded in 1999, exhibits popular scientific, children’s literature, as well as fiction, publicism, memoirs and books on other various genres. The most readable new publications are presented in the central part of the exhibition room in the form of top lists due to the traditions of the Fair.
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