A New Spelling Dictionary of the Azerbaijani Language Out Now

The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre has published a new and more advanced spelling dictionary of our mother tongue, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev, the great protector of the Azerbaijani language and literature, and eternal national leader. Our vocabulary stock has been replenished with thousands of pure Azerbaijani words (total number more than 30 000 words) including the names of plants, animals, weapons, vehicles, tools, devices, such as aydın, banbal, batağan, bişməcə, boyaçı, böv, buzxana, bükməçi, bürümə, ceviz, çaba, çağrı, çaxçur, çaxıntı, çalkeçir, çətələ, çinə, çivzə, çodar, dağçı, deşdək, dərnə, diləkçə, diriliş, dolğu, əkinti, əntiqçi, əsim, gödəkçə, görəlgə, görüntü, gözləm, guppun, gülməcə, günəşum, güvən, köçkün, kürəyəc, qamçı, qayım, qomarğa, qorqud, qovana, qurğan, qural, quralma, qurmaca, quytun, quzaq, lumu, maya, milçə, odər, olum, ora, ova, ovxam, önəm, özüm, paravan, sadaq, sağın, sarğac, silgəc, suvama, suyum, südçörəyi, sürəc, taxım, tanıtım, torumca, turan, tutağac, tutama, yadırğa, yayaq, yetənək, yorğu, uca, as well as terms that have become widely used in today’s life and which had not been included in the original sources for the entire history of the national orthographic dictionary (1929–2021), such as anneksiya, antiterror, bioenerji, biosistem, bloger, bloq, boulinq, datakart, daycest, demarkasiya, deşifrə, destabil, detoks, dominat, dopler, eksport, ekzitpol, eleqant, elitar, emiqrant, emiqrasiya, entuziazm, erudit, eyforiya, feysbuk, flot, gid, inisial, instaqram, kardiocərrah, kseroks, login, logistika, loqo, mesencer, parfüm, ratsiyaçı, reformçu, reket, rezus, rezüme, rul, satiraçı, skalpel, skrinşot, sloqan, sosium, spot, ştrixkod, tester, tvitter, yutub, vayber, vitraj, vizaj, to name a few. Another remarkable success of the dictionary is that the publication filled with hundreds of words of Turkic origin, which have become widespread in the country in recent years, is a continuation of the great leader’s saying “One nation, two states” which has become a famous expression in the Turkic world. And finally, this book has changed the essence of the main book of our language and has given it the status of the leading and common linguistic guide of the Turkic language group.
The compiler of the dictionary is Afaq Masud, the People’s Writer, the author of the foreword is Academician Nizami Jafarov, a member of the editorial board; other members of the editorial board are Professor Vilayat Guliyev, Doctor of Philology, Professor Jalil Nagiyev, Doctor of Philology, Professor Gulu Maharramli, Doctor of Philology, Professor Jahangir Mammadli, Doctor of Philology, Professor Rustam Kamal, Doctor of Philology, and Ismayil Mammadov, Ph.D. on Philology, a linguistic scholar.
Copies of the edition are available at the bookstores below:
‘Akademiya’ Book House
‘Baku Book Center’
‘Chiraq’ Book House
The Presidential Library
Sales kiosk of Azerbaijan University of Languages
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