Selected Works by Albert Camus Out

Selected Works by Albert Camus Out

The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) is pleased to announce about the publication of Selected Works by Albert Camus, the world-famous French writer and Nobel laureate, as part of a 150-volume series “Pearls of World Literature.”

The book, which begins with the writer's Nobel lecture, includes the novels A Happy Death, The Stranger, The Plague, The Fall, famous short stories and essays The Silent Men, The Myth of Sisyphus, Absurdity and Suicide, and the memoir From the Notebook.

The authors of the translation are the notable literary translators Alisa Nijat, Hamlet Goja, Javanshir Yusifli, Nariman Abdulrahmanly, Mahir N. Garayev and Rabiqa Nazimqizi. 

The copies of the edition will be available one of these days at the book houses and bookstores listed below:





‘Akademiya’ Book House

‘Baku Book Center’

‘Chiraq’ Book House

Book House of the Presidential Administration of the Azerbaijan Republic