Republican Forum on Translation Issues Kicks Off

A Republican Forum on translation issues kicked off at Qafqaz University on January 29, 2016. Established by the Translation Centre under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic (AzTC), Qafqaz University, the University of Languages, and British Council, the forum aims to discuss the translation profession and to create solutions for this problem.
In the first session, Rector of Qafqaz University Niftali Qocayev, made opening remarks. Following that, a keynote speech was made by Afag Masud, the Director of the Translation Centre under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic (AzTC), who focused on the work to promote and regulate translation, as well as on the researches in the field. She highlighted the problems in the field of language and translation, pointing to the need to define new principles and rules for translation training.
"Our studies show that the teaching of translation in our country often reduces to the tedious learning of a language. However, in order to adequately organize the translation profession, it is not enough to speak the language only, but it should be a creative profession that calls for identifying gifted young individuals. The studies also show that the process of studying this area is based on a set of unnecessary theoretical materials and textbooks for language learning."
Afaq Masud went on to touch upon the need for translation training in specific areas, stressing the importance of improving the translation techniques for Masters students in higher schools. She also voiced proposals to improve the process of translation teaching.
"In the first place, it is necessary to update and improve the plan of study for the translation departments, that is to directly place greater emphasis on the translation development, to allocate more hours to the translation practice starting from their second year; to educate techniques for the translation in specific areas (literary translation, interpretation, media materials translation, legal and official documents) starting from their third year; to improve translation skills for Masters students, and to send translation teachers to qualification upgrading courses abroad," she said.
Among the speakers were also the Acting Rector of the Azerbaijan University of Languages, Prof. Dünyamin Yunusov, the Director of British Council, Ms. Elizabeth White, a language expert and teacher trainer for British Council, invited from England, Stephen Hindlaugh, the Director of the Nasimi Institute of Linguistics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Prof. Möhsün Nağısoylu, who shared their views and opinions, and discussions followed.
The forum is underway with speeches by some students and researchers.
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