French Celebrities About Armenian Character
There are many notable French people among world celebrities who reveal the real nature of the Armenians. These persons passed on to present and future generations their writings on what they had witnessed during their acquaintance and close communication with the Armenians. But, unfortunately, today the French government, under the influence of the Armenian lobby, still supports false statements about the 'Armenian genocide' at the state level and puts forward (expresses) unrealistic viewpoints on Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Here you are presented some of these views based on documentary references.
• French writer Alexandre Dumas (père): “Armenians were always under the rule of different states of various religions. Therefore they have turned into cunning and cheat people, who can hide their thoughts, intentions and senses."
• Count Armand Pierre de Cholet, French traveler of the 19th century: “... I could never communicate with them (the Armenians). Their cunning is very disgusting, their humiliation is unbearable, their meanness is very regrettable.”
• From the document sent to the French Foreign Ministry on July 20th, 1920 by the French High Commissioner for Caucasus, Damien de Martel: "...As for these military operations, I obtained from witnesses who came back recently from Armenia some information on how the operations are executed. In the south of Erivan, at the end of last June, the Armenian troops encircled 25 Azerbaijani villages, inhabited by more than 40,000 Azerbaijanis. This population, too close to the capital city to have any designs of independence, had always been quiet and peaceful; they were expelled with cannon shots to the Aras River and were forced to leave their villages, which were immediately occupied by Armenian refugees. During this event, about 4,000 Azerbaijanis were put to death, including women and children, drowned by Armenian soldiers in the Aras River."
• French scholar De Banne: “The Armenian Church has long been a nest for counterfeiter coins. This monastery impressed me more as a political centre than a religious one.”
• From an article by Jean-Yves Yunet, a French journalist who witnessed the massacre in the town of Khojaly in Azerbaijan: “We witnessed the Khojaly massacre, we saw the dead bodies of hundreds of civilians – women, children, old people and defenders of Khojaly. We managed to fly by a helicopter; we were taking photographs of everything we saw around Khojaly from a bird’s-eye view. However, the Armenians started shooting at our helicopter and we couldn’t finish our job. That was a terrible scene. I heard a lot about wars, the cruelty of Nazis, but Armenians went beyond them, killing 5- or 6-year-old children, innocent people. We saw a lot of injured people in hospitals, carriages, even in kindergartens and school buildings.”
• French researcher Maxime Goen: The single attempt for an international tribunal regarding the event of 1915-16 was the investigation of a British prosecutor against 144 Ottoman officials interned in Malta, from 1919 to 1921. This investigation, in the British, American and Armenian sources, in addition to the seized Ottoman documents, was in vain. No evidence was found of a governmental intent to destroy the Ottoman Armenian community by massacres and starvation. On the contrary, it was discovered that even Armenians that had changed their places of residence were protected. If there was any evidence of genocide, the British would not pass up this opportunity and would not acquit the Ottomans.
Note: Armenian organizations in France name Maxim Goen a “Nazi” and “Supporter of Genocide” and have repeatedly sued him.
• From the French newspaper ‘Le Monde’: “Foreign journalists in Aghdam saw 3 bodies with scalps and nails removed among women and children killed in Khojaly. This is not Azerbaijani propaganda, this is reality ... The Khojaly tragedy was more terrible than the tragedy of Hitler's fascism in the village of Khatyn. With this brutal terrorist act, the Armenians declared their cruelty to the whole world. On the night of February 25-26, 1992, civilians were mercilessly killed (murdered) in the city of Khojaly. Only dead bodies remained in Khojaly. '
March 14, 1992
• From an article by Jules Vayner, journalist at the French newspaper Liberation: “What happened in Khojaly was based on a prepared scenario. The day before the occupation of Khojaly, 49 Azerbaijanis were captured and killed massively. The battalion commanders and military leaders had already decided to kill the civilians. A few hours before the attack, 58 Azerbaijanis were killed at the headquarters of the 366th regiment. Most of them were women and children. It was impossible to walk near the holes where corpses were buried, there was an unbearable smell of corpses, the sounds of dogs and jackals were heard. The Armenians lined up 100 people they had killed in Khojaly and built a bridge. I walked over corpses. When I put my foot on the dead baby's chest, I trembled so terribly that my camera, notebook and pen fell on the ground and were in blood. I completely lost myself. My entire body shook...”
• From an article “Before the attack” by French journalist of Armenian origin Berain Sirajyan: “...I was eyewitness of Khojali. There was smell of blood everywhere. I was terrified of the dead bodies on the snow and frost in the abandoned field. I was afraid that the future generations in Azerbaijan should demand responsibility for this blood...Today the Russians are with us. What about tomorrow? We can remain alone.”
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