Leyla Aliyeva’s Collection of Poems Published in Georgian

Leyla Aliyeva’s Collection of Poems Published in Georgian

Notable poet Leyla Aliyeva’s book titled The World Dissolves like a Dream has been published by Tbilisi-based Merani Publishing House. The author is a recipient of the Pushkin Gold Medal, and winner of the “Key to Life” award presented annually by the Children`s Cancer & Blood Foundation (CCBF), a registered charity in the United States. 

The collection in Georgian translation as a whole consists of 100 poems, including The Night, I Don’t Believe, The Poet, Love Slave, Hope, What is Life, and What is Death?, My Burden, You Can’t Cry When You are Sad Sometimes, to name just a few.

The translator and author of the foreword to the book is Georgia’s popular poet Makvala Gonashvili. He is Chairman of the Georgian Writers’ Union, and received the Ilia Chavchavadze, Galaktion Tabidze and Anna Kalandadze prizes.