Scientific-Literary Board holds first meeting

Scientific-Literary Board holds first meeting

Chaired by the Director of the Translation Centre under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic (AzTC), Afag Masud, the Scientific-Literary Board held its first meeting on 9 January 2015. The Board held a discussion on the state of translations in the country, issues to eye up and overcome challenges and obstacles to language and translation, as well as thematic plans for the translation and publication of books due out this year.

Following a welcome, Afag Masud gave an overview of newly-founded AzTC’s work performed over the past three months. She also highlighted the state of language, education and translation in the country, focusing on tasks of how to make improvements in the translation industry.   

The members of the Board  – Nizami Jafarov, Academician, MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Science, Culture and Education, Asif Hajıyev, Professor, Rector of Baku Slavic University, Pasha Alioglu, Deputy Director of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) Institute of Manuscripts, Jafar Jafarov, Professor, Rector of the Azerbaijan Tourism Institute, Farah Aliyeva, Professor, Rector of the Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts, Vilayet Hajiyev, Dean of the Azerbaijan Languages University Translation Department,  Ramiz Mirzayev, Honoured Artist, Producer,  Ramiz Rövşan, Poet, and Yashar Aliyev, Head of the AzTC Administration, focused on the agenda items and submitted their proposals to organize and improve translation quality in Azerbaijan.

A complete agenda for this meeting will be published on this website and in the Aydın Yol newspaper as soon as it becomes available.
