AzTC sends a protest letter to the authority of the Russian First Television Channel

To: Mr. Konstantin Ernst,
General Director of the Russian First Television Channel
Dear Mr. Ernst,
To my deep regret, I would like to note that the questions "Which side initiated the conflict?", "Why does it all happen just now?", put forward at the beginning of the TV program “Vremya Pokajet” (Time Will Tell) broadcasted through your Channel on April 4, did not find any valid response, though the "competent” persons on both sides tried to clarify the issue. However, the answer is very simple and clear. Azerbaijan, more than 20 years unsuccessfully awaiting the outcome of the peaceful negotiations on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, every day loses 18-20-year-old soldiers being killed in the borderline by Armenian separatists during the ceasefire regime, was forced to relocate civilians from some nearby regions and villages on April 1st, 2016 for security reasons as the Armenians, "inspired" by a long and humble silence of the second side of the conflict, started large-scale attacks.
Moreover, conclusions about "Why does it all happen just now?" proved to be even more interesting, especially for the creative-minded people. Adequate response of Azerbaijan to the aggressor, who has captured and has been holding its lands under occupation for many years, was linked either to certain economic problems in the country (Oh, sorry, which countries don’t have those problems, I wonder?) or treated as "Turkey-run order".
Frankly speaking, to onlookers all that resembled a contest in naïve children's games more than a serious discussion of the acute conflict. Everything is clear; the events are unfolding before the eyes of the world community. Unfortunately, as always, the Russian First Television Channel remained faithful to its Pro-Armenian position, one-sided and biased towardst this rather painful issue that has deep historical roots. But, of course, time will judge every deed. I assure you, He will tell His Word.
Afag Masud
Honoured Arts Worker,
Full-fledged member of Petrov Academy of Sciences and Arts
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