Foreign Press Covers AzTC Editions

The world's media spotlight is on the book production project being implemented by the Azerbaijan Translation Centre (AzTC). The project aims to promote Azerbaijani Literature worldwide. The books AzTC has published outside Azerbaijan have been covered by media outlets in Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Belarus, Egypt, and other countries.
Georgian “Novosti Qruziya” (, “” (, Russian “Dosh” magazine (, “Vestnik Kavkaza” (, “” ( websites, “Mir” TV (, Egyptian “Al-Ahram” and “Al-Akhbar” papers, Belarussian “Soszvuchiye” (,, UK “EU today” (https:///news/culture/2018/short-stories-from-azerbaijan-in-one-volume), Turkish “” (, Kyrgyz “” (, other websites have continued to cover AzTC’s international projects.
Book “Fuzuli’s Creativity” by Mir Jalal Out in Jordan
The book “Fuzuli’s Creativity” by the famous Azerbaijani writer and literary scholar Mir Jalal, which tells about the works of the brilliant Azerbaijani poet...
Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli’s Creativity in the Israeli Literary Magazine
“Artikl”, the popular Israeli literary magazine, has posted in Russian an excerpt from the novel “In the Crossfire” by Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli, the outstanding...