The Mystery of the Tomb by Nikolai Khomich Published in Azerbaijani

The Translation Centre under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic (AzTC) has published the book titled The Mystery of the Tomb by the notable Ukranian writer Nikolai Khomich.
Nikolai Khomich is the author of several novels, such as Night of Rusalka, Time, Lie Space and The Mystery of the Tomb. He is the recipient of the international literary prizes “Warrior of Light” and “Don Quixote”. The theme of his works is to reclaim the lost historical past.
The Mystery of the Tomb relates events of the times of Kyiv Rus, when this ancient state tackled to choose between the Western and Byzantine civilizations.
The translators are Saday Budagly and Farhad Abdullayev. The executive editor is Bahlul Abbasov.
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