Fatelessness by Imre Kertész Published in Azerbaijani

The Translation Centre under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic (AzTC) has translated and published into Azerbaijani the novel Fatelessness (Hungarian: Sorstalanság) by Imre Kertész, Hungary's first Nobel laureate in literature.
The novel, which describes events of the Second World War as well as a terrible life at Buchenwald and Auschwitz concentration camps, was first published in 1975 in Hungary. The work became famous across Europe only after it was translated into German in 1990.
Following on from Fatelessness, Kertész's Fiasco (1988) and Kaddish for an Unborn Child (1990) are, respectively, the second and third parts of his holocaust trilogy. It is published in Azerbaijani for the first time.
The translators of the novel are Mahir N. Garayev and Guldeste Nesib.
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