AzSTC Magazine’s Next Issue Out Now

The latest issue (3/2018) of Xəzər World Literature magazine has been published. Highlights of the issue include: Poems of Giorgos Seferis (Greece) under the “Nobel Lectures” heading; Poems of Vaqif Bayatly Oder and an Essay devoted to the poet by Afag Masud under the “Jubilees” heading; Tao Te Ching, an extract from a Chinese classic text credited to the 6th-century BC sage Laozi under the “Human Values” heading; the short story Aura by Carlos Fuentes (Mexico) under the “Cervantes prize winners” heading; From the Old Testament to the New Testament, an article by Academician Nizami Jafarov, under the “Faith Light” heading; Part I translated from Torah under “Celestial Reincarnation” the heading; Short Stories of Simon Vestdijk (Netherlands) under the “Stories” heading; Poems by Adonis (Ali Ahmad Said Esber) (Syria), Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen (Finland) and under the “Contemporary World Poetry” heading; Short Stories by Olga Tokarczuk (Poland) under the “Booker Prize Winners” heading; the continuation of the novella House without Guardians by Heinrich Böll (Germany) under the “Luminaries” heading; A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway (USA) under the “Memoirs” heading; and The Little World of Don Camillo by Giovannino Guareschi (Italy) under the “Novellas” heading.
Book “Fuzuli’s Creativity” by Mir Jalal Out in Jordan
The book “Fuzuli’s Creativity” by the famous Azerbaijani writer and literary scholar Mir Jalal, which tells about the works of the brilliant Azerbaijani poet...
Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli’s Creativity in the Israeli Literary Magazine
“Artikl”, the popular Israeli literary magazine, has posted in Russian an excerpt from the novel “In the Crossfire” by Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli, the outstanding...