AzSTC Magazine’s Next Issue Out Now

AzSTC Magazine’s Next Issue Out Now


The latest issue (3/2018) of Xəzər World Literature magazine has been published. Highlights of the issue include: Poems of Giorgos Seferis (Greece) under the “Nobel Lectures” heading; Poems of Vaqif Bayatly Oder and an Essay devoted to the poet by Afag Masud under the “Jubilees” heading; Tao Te Ching, an extract from a Chinese classic text credited to the 6th-century BC sage Laozi under the “Human Values” heading; the short story Aura by Carlos Fuentes (Mexico) under the “Cervantes prize winners” heading; From the Old Testament to the New Testament, an article by Academician Nizami Jafarov, under the “Faith Light” heading; Part I translated from Torah under “Celestial Reincarnation” the heading; Short Stories of Simon Vestdijk (Netherlands) under the “Stories” heading; Poems by Adonis (Ali Ahmad Said Esber) (Syria), Vilja-Tuulia Huotarinen (Finland) and under the “Contemporary World Poetry” heading; Short Stories by Olga Tokarczuk (Poland) under the “Booker Prize Winners” heading; the continuation of the novella House without Guardians by Heinrich Böll  (Germany) under the “Luminaries” heading; A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway (USA) under the “Memoirs” heading; and The Little World of Don Camillo by Giovannino Guareschi (Italy) under the “Novellas” heading.