French Fellow Soldier’s Memoirs Telling the Story how Azerbaijani Activist Ahmed Jabrayilov Participated in the French Resistance during World War II
It is a fact that Azerbaijanis made a worthy contribution to the victory over fascism during the Second World War. We have enough information about the heroism and bravery of Hazi Aslanov, Mehdi Huseynzade, Ahmadiyya Jabrayilov, and other Azerbaijanis who had fought both within and outside the country.
One of the most celebrated participants in the French Resistance, the collection of French movements, was Ahmadiyya Mikayil oglu Jabrayilov, known as Michel Armed or Khargo. Actively participating in fighting for France, he was decorated with the highest awards, orders and medals.
More recently, some websites, particularly Armenian websites, have been attempting to cast doubt on Ahmad Jabrayilov's service contributions, spreading outright fabrications. The objective is clear: to demonize the Azerbaijani people and diminish their achievements in the historic victory over fascism during World War II. Apparently, Armenians, to cite just a few, who rabidly set at vilifying Azerbaijan, forgot the proverb, 'No matter how much effort you put in, the truth will out!’
Who’d tell about the fighter better than his war buddy?! René Shambar's memoirs about his friend and comrade-in-arms as well as possible are about feats of arms of the famous Mr Jabrayilov. Shambar shares his memories telling the story how Jabrayilov participated in the French Resistance, the French partisans fought the fascists and the Vichy regime, led by Philippe Petain, and the Soviet army got into this cruel war. He provides a wealth of information on the battle method of Michel Armed: how he had been a prisoner of the fascists, escaped, joined the partisans and fought the fascists at great sacrifice. These memoirs are well-documented, grounded replies to the lies, passionately spread by those defacing the character of Ahmadiyya Jabrailov. This documentary evidence again confirms that the memory of the heroes and their deeds are eternal, demonstrating that no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.
From the translator
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