Ukrainian Ambassador Visits Translation Centre

On Thursday 25th May, we were delighted to welcome the Ukrainian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, His Excellency Mr. Oleksander Mishchenko, for a visit to the Translation Centre under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic (AzTC).
The sides spoke about the long-standing national and spiritual kinship between the peoples of Azerbaijan and Ukraine, ways how to boost literary and cultural ties, and AzTC-initiated international projects in this direction, including works by Ukraine’s well-known writers such as Moris Simashko, Alexander Mardan and Igor Pavlyuk translated and published into Azerbaijani during different periods.
And the meeting also discussed the book “An Anthology of Modern Azerbaijan Poetry” due to be published in Kyiv, and distributed to universities and libraries throughout Ukraine.
The recently published book "An Anthology of Ukrainian Poetry" was then presented to the guest.
In conclusion, the Ukrainian diplomat presented to the Translation Centre a souvenir illustrating branches of arrow-wood, one of Ukraine’s national symbols.
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