Mugham Without Boundary

Azerbaijan Mugham, Europe and various countries across the world feed on today, has the same long history as the country’s that has sparked it. Along with Azerbaijan, mugham is widespread and loved in Iran, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria and other countries. Symposiums on mugham not only focus on theory, but also practice - live performance.
Among participants to such symposiums German scientist distinguish themselves with their knowledge of mugham. Among the theoretical studies on mugham, the works by Elsner Yünger «Refrains phenomenon of Mugham', ‘Courses for ethnic musicology – mugam’ by Professor Raymund Fogesa and ‘Makam kürdi xüsusunda’ by Kirstensen Ditera attracted the most attention of participants. The article by Elsner Yünger is of particular scientific and practical significance.
Along with German scientists, an Iraqi researcher who spoke about mugham and distinguished academician Vasim Mammadaliyev, saying that 'mugham is so mysterious and profound that today I have discovered something new and exciting' demonstrate the interest in mugham.
Of course, these articles and studies are of special interest of German musicologists, music artists and ordinary listeners.
From this point of view, our mugham masters, touring abroad, play a big role in popularizing Azerbaijan mugham, which is a unique musical event and in Eastern countries as a whole.
Despite Diverse researches on the origin of mugham by specialists in the East and West, UNESKO took this kind of creativity under its protection, as the art of Azerbaijan. The first lady of the country, UNESKO’s Goodwill Ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva, supporting Azerbaijani culture, facilitated the opening of the 'Mugham Center' on Baku Boulevard, built in modern style. Today, the Center has become a favorite holiday destination for mugham lovers.
And in the cultural aspect, mugham elevates and enriches us spiritually, plays an important role in shaping our thinking and creative development.
Mugam is in nature of each Azerbaijani no matter what region he or she lives.
And our compatriots living in Germany and listening to mugham on «Meclisi -Üns' broadcast on TV must be feeling at home for a while.
Chingiz Abdullayev
Doctor in Culturology
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