AzTC representative at Turin International Book Fair

The Translation Center within the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic (AzTC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the National Library, represent Azerbaijan at the 18th International Book Fair and Literary Festival in Turin, Italy. The delegation also includes Shahin Alasgarov from AzTC.
The opening ceremony was on 14 May 2015 in the international book hall "Torino Lingotto Fiere". The event is attended by representatives from Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Albania, as well as hundreds of the renowned publishing houses in Italy, such as "Edizioni Del Baldo", "Marco Del Bucchia Editore", "Carlo Delfino Editore", "Carlo", "Saladino Miso Editore", "Marchetti Editore", "Nottetempo", "Logus Mondi İnterattivi", and "Decrescita Felice" Perla Edizioni.
As Azerbaijan participates in this fair for the first times, our country was given the status of "Special Guest". The stand of Azerbaijan showcases books from the series of "Editions of the Translation Center", as well as books, published by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the National Library. On the first day of the fair, the special interest of the visitors was the collection of "Candles (101 verses)" from the series of "Editions of the Translation Center".
The fair will run until May 18.
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