Smiles of the Gods Goes Out

As part of its series of books, the Translation Centre under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic has published a collection of short stories titled “Smiles of the Gods” by outstanding Japanese novelist Ryunosuke Akutagawa
With his brightest and extraordinary literary heritage, the Japanese writer Ryunosuke Akutagawa (1892-1927) is one of the most highly respected masters of the short story of the twentieth century. The writer who addressed in his work topics covering historical chronicles, legends, parables, employed all his talent to reveal the deep human psychology, the underneath layer of events that visually seem simple with his own particular style and soft irony.
Some characters in the novels included in this edition find a solution to vital problems passing through a hard spiritual choice, while others, quite the opposite, go with the stream without being lost deep in thoughts.
Translated by Rovshan Ramizoglu.
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