Costa Rica Chief of Mission Visits Azerbaijan Translation Centre
The Azerbaijan Translation Centre (AzTC) on Wednesday received a visit from Mr Jairo Lopez, Charge d'affaires Costa Rica Embassy in Azerbaijan.
The chief of mission was informed about samples of translated and published Spanish-speaking countries’ literature into Azerbaijani. And the sides focused on certain preparatory work to enhance mutual literary relations and promote the literatures of Azerbaijan in Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America.
Book “Fuzuli’s Creativity” by Mir Jalal Out in Jordan
The book “Fuzuli’s Creativity” by the famous Azerbaijani writer and literary scholar Mir Jalal, which tells about the works of the brilliant Azerbaijani poet...
Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli’s Creativity in the Israeli Literary Magazine
“Artikl”, the popular Israeli literary magazine, has posted in Russian an excerpt from the novel “In the Crossfire” by Yusif Vazir Chamanzaminli, the outstanding...