Verses from Azerbaijan Printed in Belarus

The Azerbaijan Translation Centre’s (AzTC) is pleased to announce that it has published An Anthology of Modern Azerbaijan Literature (Poetry), through Zvezda, a publisher in Belarus, as part of the project to promote Azerbaijani literature worldwide.
The book includes works by Azerbaijan’s prominent poets - Samad Vurgun, Mikayil Mushfig, Rasul Rza, Huseyn Arif, Bakhtiyar Vahabzade, Nabi Khazri, Medine Gulgun, Aliagha Kurchayly, Ali Karim, Nariman Hasanzade, Khalil Rza Uluturk, Mammad Araz, Jabir Novruz, Tofig Bayram, Fikrat Goja, Musa Yagub, Vagif Samadoghlu, Abbas Abdulla, Isa Ismailzade, Alakbar Salahzade, Nusrat Kasamanli, Sabir Rustamkhanly, Zalimkhan Yagub, Adil Mirseyid, Rustam Behrudi and Salam Sarvan.
The translators, among others, are notable Belarussian poets Tamara Sivets, Naun Galperovich and Yulia Aleychanka.
Sivets is the compiler and Katsevich is the editor of the first book ever printed in the wake of literary relations between Azerbaijan and Belarus.
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