Modern Azerbaijan Literature Published in Bulgaria

Modern Azerbaijan Literature Published in Bulgaria

As part of a joint project between the Azerbaijan Translation Centre under the Cabinet of Ministers (AzTC) and the Union of Bulgarian Writers, the book titled “Modern Azerbaijan Literature” has been published in Bulgaria.

The book includes poems and short stories by literary figures of the modern Azerbaijani literature, such as Yusif Samadoglu, Ferman Karimzade, Anar, Elchin, Ali Karim, Mammad Araz, Musa Yagub, Vaqif Samadoglu, Alekber Salahzade, and Sabir Rustemkhanly. The translators for the book are famous Bulgarian writers - Boyan Angelov, Nadya Popova, Ivan Yesensky, Dmitri Khristov and Iva Nikolova.