Armenia’s neo-Nazism is much more dangerous than fascism
If we say that the history of the Armenians who have territorial claims to almost the whole world consists entirely of white spots, we won't be mistaken.
In different historical periods, the Armenians have scattered around the globe, using all means from time to time and trying to carry out their dream of 'Great Armenia'. Contemporary Armenia is a state artificially created on the Azerbaijani soil with the military and political support from global powers for the realization of their 'Eastern issue.' It is the exact truth that most of all the Azerbaijani lands historically suffered from Armenia's aggressive policy. Under the direct pressure and persistence of Soviet Russia native Zangezur, Dereleyez, and other territories were ceded to Armenia. Thus Armenia occasionally captured historical lands belonging to Azerbaijani Turks. At present, another grievous result of this impure policy is that more than 20% of Azerbaijani territories are under Armenian occupation. Unfortunately, the international community has been impervious to this historic injustice and indifferent to the fate of more than a million Azerbaijanis who have become refugees, and to the fact that Armenia committed genocide and ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories.
However, what is the good reason of the Armenians' "hegemony" in the world? It is worth thinking over this question. In fact, there is an Armenian lobby, diaspora and hundreds of political and public organizations abroad with force, influence, enough good material security who rule Armenians and finance their bad deeds.
It doesn't matter whatever political or public organizations they represented, in order to realize the myth of "Great Armenia", they introduce and prove themselves as irreplaceable means and tools in the realization of the 'Eastern policy' pursued by the super states.
While studying archive materials, a newspaper that was published 48 years ago in Yerevan has drawn our attention. "Communist" newspaper - a press organ of the Central Committee of the Armenian Communist Party, the Supreme Soviet and the Council of Minister of the Armenian SSR, in its issue of April 12, 1967, (Russian version) on the third page published Ph.D (candidate of historical sciences) T. Drambyan's article 'Dashnaks on Service of Fascism' where he spoke about the Dashnaktsutyun Party's heroism during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945.)
According to the Armenian scientist, leaders of «Dashnaktsutyun", the main political-military, even the leading terror and guerrilla unit, who had left the country purposely, continued their 'anti-national policy. At first, they entered into a conspiracy with other nationalist-bourgeois organizations and white emigrants and tried to create obstacles for effective relations between the Soviet Armenia and foreign Armenian colonies. For this purpose, dashnak agitators tried through slanders on the authority of the Soviet Armenia to start its broad anti-Soviet propaganda.
In those years, the leaders of the organization continued their anti-national activities, and during the Second World War publicly supported Hitler's fascism, the world's bloody enemy. And the dashnak's that step wasn't accidental. Since 1935 after the establishment of the fascist regime in Germany, the Dashnaks immediately built hopes towards the German fascism and tried to act in the shade of this criminal and despotic regime.
The newspaper states that the dashnak newspapers of that time published materials praising Hitler's criminal plans, their aggressive intentions and tried to justify the bloody 'new rules and orders' established in Europe as the 'highest form of democracy.' In most articles, it was stated that in case the new world war began, then it would create suitable conditions for overthrowing the Soviet system in Armenia. The newspaper "Ayrenik", the publishing organ of the dashnak leaders that settled in the United States, was particularly active in this aspect. In order to dispel the Armenians' doubts, "Ayrenik" newspaper in its July issue of 1939 published material where it fully revealed the dashnak leaders methods of how better to use the 'potential political opportunites' in order to achieve real goals: "If Germany or Japan attack the Soviet Union, then the Dashnaktsutyun will be among the enemies of the USSR".
On June 22, 1941, the day when Nazi Germany suddenly attacked the Soviet Union, that act deeply shocked the peoples living in the Union, and became the cause of death for thousands of people, but Ruben Darbinyan, a dashnak leader who remained completely indifferent to the fate of people and defended the interest of Armenian abroad published an article in the newspaper: "Fortunately, the Soviets are not so strong to defeat Germany, and internally not so strong to resist German attacks. In the early years of the war, the newspaper conducted its "successful" propaganda, predicted the imminent collapse of the "Kremlin power" and destruction of the Soviet Union, and called the public to support the Nazis".
Ph.d. T. Drambyan writes further: «... what about Artsakh Jamalyan, a dashnak leader's visits to Paris, Berlin and Cairo, and his involvement in the Congress of the National Socialist Party in Nuremberg? And what about Alexander Hatisyan's appointment to the position of a minister in occupied eastern lands in 1940 and fascist Alfred Rosenberg's close relationship with dashnak leaders in Berlin and his correspondence with dashnak leaders on the creation of the "Armenian National Council? And what about dashnaks' close cooperation with the German occupational offices and with their captive regimes in Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, France and even Germany?
So, the Dasknak leaders and their "agency" try in vain to deny their relationship and close cooperation with the German Nazis. No matter how hard these men try, they are not able to erase their own handwritings; they cannot deny historical facts.
In addition to ideological propaganda, dashnaks fought in the Nazi army and, according to the author, "They came to Berlin with the hatred to everything that related to the Soviets and with desire to serve Hitler and the criminal acts against the Soviet Union, i.e., against the Soviet Armenia. The dashnaks participated in all Nazis'crimes, including active collaboration with the Gestapo; in 1942 after the Soviet troops' temporary drawing in, they threatened and blackmailed the Armenian prisoners and contributed the Hitler's forces in the creation of the "Armenian National Legion."
As the author wrote, what force could manage to bring together the dashnaks - Dron from Romania, Nzhdeh from Bulgaria, Gulkhandanyan, Papazyan, Hatisyan, Baghdasaryan from France, Ter-Tovmasyan from Belgium? What brought them together to criminal conspiracy with the Nazis? Why don't the Armenians who try to teach the world community the lesson of history question the dashnak leaders whom they have idolized about their links with the criminal Nazis, why don't they blame them in betrayal? It meant that for dashnaks desire for world domination, for the creation of a despotic structure prevailed much more than the national interest. How could the party that marched over the corpses of thousands of people be entitled democratic and patriotic if it sought to gain power by any means? Don't the Armenians know about that page of the Dashnaktsutyun Party's history?
Wasn't it possible to put away personal ambitions in such a hard landmark milestone for the people, or not to participate in the war on the side of the Nazis, or at least take a neutral position? How do we call those who wanted to build their own personal happiness on the tragedy of others?
Certainly, it is true that the Armenians wherever they live - in France, in Russia or in any part of the world - they always advance interests, they act underhandedly and they serve not the State in which they live, but try to serve their own deceptive purposes.
What is the difference between Bolshevik, S. Shaumyan who created massive massacre on March 31 --April 1, 1918 against peaceful Azerbaijanis in Baku and a leader of Dashnaktsutyun Party, or the current President of Armenia S. Sarkisyan whose hands are coated with blood of innocent inhabitants of Khojaly. There is no difference between them! For years, decades, or centuries we have suffered from their hypocrisy and betrayal. Those who open their doors to Armenians, shared bread and salt with them, very soon will find themselves in their ingratitude, because it is tried-and-true, it is an axiom that requires no proof...
Today Armenian diasporas, lobbies and adherents who act due to double standards support ungrateful Armenians engaged in their dirty aggressive plans in Nagorno-Karabagh. In fact, to support all vile actions that could be benefited is the tradition of the Dashnaktsutyun Party. So, T. Drambyan, relying on historical facts, writes:
" The Armenian National Council with its headquarter in Berlin had their own body - "Ferbindungsstab" with its intelligence, outreach, protocol offices and within three years the dashnaks with the financial support of Alfred Muradyan and his brother, owners of a tobacco factory in Berlin published a newspaper "Ayastan"(Armenia)."
That newspaper systematically published firebrand nationalistic anti-Soviet propaganda. Authors of that newspaper signed under false names; they never put their real names under articles. Maybe this fact could seem minute but it is specific.
Dashnak propagandists in the editorial didn't put their names under articles not because they were afraid that they wouldn't get 'thanks' from them, but because they were the Armenians and in case of the defeat of Hitler's army, they could change their position and start to praise the Soviets.
It was the newspaper that was 'spiritual food' for "Dron's Armenian Fellowers" who committed outrages in Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Mineralnye Vody and Krasnodar till Dron's dashnak Legionnaires and their Nazi patrons were driven away from the Soviet Union.
The Second World War ended with the defeat of Germany, more exactly, the fascism. Even today the Germans are obliged to bear responsibility for that shameful page in the history of their country. However, the discrepant fact is that the Dashnaktsutyun Party, to be more exact, the Armenian Neo-Nazi that fought in the ranks of the fascists and supported Hitler's policy then, today is pursuing not only a "successful" policy of terror, genocide and expansionist policy before the world community, but is protected by certain political figures of certain world countries...
How can we forget history?! How can we expunge from memory the historical facts? To understand the criminal actions of Armenian dashnaks towards the mankind, it is enough to make reference to the mentioned article.
Today shutting eyes on the Armenians acts, falsifying the historical truths, supporting the irreal "Armenian genocide", taking up Armenian position, those forces in reality create a new threat for humanity - mono-ethnic Armenian neo-fascism, chauvinism and barbarism which are much more dangerous than fascism.
And here's the proof. Today Generals Nzhdeh and Dron, other terrorists and bandits serving in the ranks of the Nazi, are now national heroes of Armenia, stories on their heroism are included in school textbooks and their experiences are taught at schools.
Aghahuseyn Shukurov
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