A History of How an Ancient Azerbaijan City Became Armenian Capital

A History of How an Ancient Azerbaijan City Became Armenian Capital

The crowd-pleasing global news portals, such as Mustaqlia (Iraq); Alharir (China); Human (Uzbekistan); “Alternatiftarih“Tded” və “Dibace (Turkey) have posted a documentary archival video footage “A History of How an Ancient Azerbaijan City Became Armenian Capital” (produced by AzSTC).

 The documentary archival video footage based on historical facts about the modern Yerevan, formerly known as Irevan, capital of Armenia that features the ancient history of Irevan city, the Armenians resettling in these territories after the occupation in 1827 and expel of local population – Azerbaijanis with help of the military units in Tsarist Russia.




كيف أصبحت مدينة أذربيجانية قديمة عاصمة لأرمينيا | وكالة الصحافة المستقلة (mustaqila.com)

كيف أصبحت مدينة أذربيجانية قديمة عاصمة لأرمينيا - شبكة طريق الحرير الصيني الإخبارية (alharir.info)

https://human.uz/    ru/12/55/598