A Man of Honour

The Memorial House-Museum (now the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan) was founded in Baku to honor and perpetuate the memory of Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev, a prominent oil magnate and philanthropist. The building of the museum with 9 rooms was built by Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev in 1895-1901. The rooms, as well as personal belongings and furniture in the museum were restored by specialists from Azerbaijan and Italy. On the basis of the family photo-album, they managed to restore the previous interior of the rooms. Tagiyev's study, Oriental Hall, a library, a billiard room, a dining room, a monitored room, a boudoir, a bedroom and a dressing room were accessible for visitors. While taking a walk through all the rooms and getting acquainted with the exhibit items together with Ilahe Khanum, a guide at the museum. She was holding a book about Taghiyev that drew my attention. The author of the book is Farhad Jabbarov who works for the museum. As it was the end of the working day, he had left the museum. Moreover, I could collect enough information to write a story about Taghiyev, but I wanted the young historian to share his experience and knowledge about his heritage.
The next day I met him at the entrance of the museum. He said he started his research on Taghiyev's heritage when he was a student: "The Soviet government ordered to grab the wealth and properties of the then rich people. Thanks to Nariman Narimanov, Taghiyev was allowed to live in his country house at Mardakan. No unfair treatment had been observed towards the Taghiyev family until 1924. But after his death, the country house was also confiscated". His wife Sona Khanum had to live a very poor life. His children were subjected to various pressure. Various institutions, structures were located in this building. Quests visiting Azerbaijan that time used to stay in this building. Even some people accommodated in this building, e.g., Bekir Chobanzade lived on the third floor for a certain period. In Soviet times, the building was used as a boarding school.
- You are the author of a book "About the History of H.Z. Taghiyev's School for Girls". I am sure you have come across some interesting points. Girls were kept at home, they were not allowed to go out. To think and utter this idea publicly at that time required great courage. I would like you to speak about the difficulties Taghiyev came across while realizing this idea.
- A great many of people say that Taghiyev was illiterate. I don't think so. He simply didn't go to school. Could an illiterate man do so much for his people? For example, in order to manage the school for girls, he played a very wise trick. While constructing the building he had the doors opened to the street and let all the rooms on hire. And naturally there wasn't an entrance to the school yard. There was only a man at the school; the doorman was old and married. All remaining staff were women. There was Taghiyev's big portrait on the wall of the school hall. He had Quran on one hand, and a newspaper on the other hand. Once Taghiyev came to congratulate the girls on Novruz Holiday. Departing, he pointed his own portrait and asked: "What can you see on it?" Because of a sudden question, they found it difficult to answer. And Haji Zeynalabdin was obliged to reply himself: "I am holding Quran in my right hand, which it means that I am faithful to traditions, and a newspaper in the other hand, which means I must go ahead. I want you to have Quran in your one hand and keep the faith. And don't let the newspaper fall down, be open to the world and be educated.
His business was on the rise. He had everything. Taghiyev always tried to do his best to improve the people's well-being. We could find out his relatives and contacted them later. They said that the words "people", "nation" were on his children's lips. Even when Taghiyev's daughters were forced to leave their house, he told them to take only personal belongings - clothes, books and accessories. In any case, everything would remain for the people, for the nation. They had Louis XIV Furniture, various valuables at home and they could take them with themselves but they didn't.
- So, a man could be so generous, well-behaved. Of course, if somebody were him could think about leaving the country. All what he had was his honest property. He was even requested to leave the country. But he never thought of it.
- Their upbringing did not allow, because Leyla Khanum's husband was Ali Asadullayev, Shamsi Asadullayev's son. He was the officer at the Muslim corps of the Azerbaijan National Army. Taghiyev knew that the Soviet government either would arrest or shoot these officers. Then he had such assuredness that the system might not exist much longer. In Russian nobles' memories they had also noted that the Bolsheviks wouldn't rule so long. They thought that the Bolsheviks were illiterate, uneducated men and the system, the state they had established, wouldn't stand too long. One of the reasons why Taghiyev had not left the country was that.
- well, Taghiyev regularly supported students who interested in studying abroad. However, it seems that he rejected to support them for a time.
- The issue that I am going to touch once was exaggerated in the press. There was held a congress of Azerbaijani teachers under the chairmanship of Hasan Bey Zardabi. One of the issues on the agenda was to address the vicegerent with the request to improve the level of education in the country. Hasan Bey Zardabi suggested that they address the government in the form of a request, saying that in that case their problems could be resolved very soon. He said: "We can't urge the government." Nariman Narimanov and other young teachers did not agree with him. Then he said: "As far as we ask them, they won't resolve our problems." An argument started. One of the participants stood up and said that it was not correct to argue with Hasan Bey. And he blamed Nariman Narimanov for his behaviour. Narimanov in his turn also said: "Wisdom isn't attained by years but by ability." Zardabi was offended by this word and left the congress. As soon as Taghiyev heard about this incident, he came to the congress and made a speech: "I supported Nariman to get education and now he is here and answers back the men of years." Nariman's answer was: "I didn't know that Taghiyev supported students in return of their independent stand." Hearing this Taghiyev got very angry and said that he would not support any student as they were ungrateful ones.
Nevertheless, in fact these two people had no ill will towards each other. Time passed and Taghiyev covered the entire fee for Narimanov's education. Though Narimanov paid back all the money he had paid. After his arrival from Odessa he worked as a doctor at Taghiyev's school for girls. Afterwards he also greatly helped Taghiyev, when the millionaire's property was grabbed. Narimanov often visited the old philanthropist at his country house.
- I know that you have heard too many memories about this notable man. What do the ordinary people say about him? How do his relatives remember him?
- This memory left its mark on me. There was an opening ceremony of the State Musical Theatre after mending of the building in 1922 that had been built by Taghiyev. Sidgi Ruhulla and Mirzagha Aliyev were sent to bring Taghiyev to the event. The Soviet Government had already strengthened its position. Commissars, government officials of the highest rank were sitting in the hall. When Haji entered the hall, everybody stood up and applauded him. And with this air Taghiyev was in the melting mood...
Years pass, generations replace one another, people become estranged, but good deeds will forever remain in the memory of the mankind.
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