AzSTC Magazine’s Next Issue Out Now

AzSTC Magazine’s Next Issue Out Now


The latest issue of Xəzər World Literature Magazine has been published. Highlights of the issue include:

The novel ‘The Pastoral Symphony’ by André Gide under the heading of the ‘Nobel Tribune’; the story ‘The Call’ by Nariman Abdulrakhmanly under the heading of ‘Anniversary’; the poems by Miguel Hernández under the heading of ‘Poetry’; ‘Literary Portraits’ by Konstantin Paustovsky under the heading of “Memoirs”; the novel ‘House without Guardians‘ by Heinrich Böll under the heading of ‘Literary Giants’(the continuation);  poems by Bagater Arabuli  under the heading of ‘Georgian Literature’; the article ‘From Siberia’ by Vasily Radlov under the heading of ‘Memories’; the stories by Hans Christian Branner, Hardal Herdal and Carl Erik Soya under the heading of ‘Danish prose’; poems by Lala Muldur, Heydar Ergulen, Nevzat Chelik and Kichik Iskender; the short stories ‘The Embassy of Cambodia’ by Zadie Smith, ‘The Grey Silk’ and ‘Sculptor’s Daughter’ by Tove Jansson under the heading of  ‘Stories’; poems by Nichita Stănescu under the heading of ‘Romanian Poetry’; the novella ‘Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District’ by Nikolai Leskov under the heading of  ‘Classical Russian Prose’; the novel ‘One for All, Or Mikhailo’s Revenge’ by Peter Amalietti under the heading of “Anniversary: Mehdi Huseyzadeh – 100” (the continuation); the play ‘Traveller without Luggage’ by Jean Anouilh  under the heading of ‘Theatre’.