To the attention of Khazar readers!

You can get the issues of the Khazar World Literature Magazine at the following bookshops:
- "Akadem Kitab" shop
Address: 26, Istiglaliyyat Street, AZ1001, Sabail District, Baku.
- Baku Book Club
Address: 13 Mustafa Subhi Street, Baku (near Taza Pir Mosque)
- "Akademiya" Book Centre
Address: 13 Aziz Aliyev Street, Sabail District, AZ1005, Baku
- 'Alo' Book Service (Online book selling)
Contact: : (055) 207-8-208
- 'Bakumoz' book shop (Online book selling)
Contact: (050) 503 5939
- '' shop
Address: 32a Pushkin Street, Nasimi District, AK Center II Floor (near the Metro 28th May)
Note: If you wish to be a subscriber to the Khazar World Literature Magazine, you can visit our Library at: 74, Topchubashov Street, Nasimi District, Baku
Contact: (+994 12) 595-10-69
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