International Cooperation

Organizing the Azerbaijan State Translation Centre’s Work to Boost International Cooperation

The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (hereinafter referred to as the AzSTC) functions based on domestic legislative acts, including but not limited to, the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan; decrees and orders of the President of Azerbaijan; ordinances and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers; and its Charter. AzSTC cooperates with central and local executive authorities, accredited foreign diplomatic missions, consulates and trade missions (chambers of commerce), as well as a variety of international and regional (intergovernmental, interstate) organizations in Azerbaijan and beyond; interacts with diplomatic missions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, central and local translation institutions (centres, committees, agencies), associations, non-governmental organizations, universities, research institutes and centres in a manner consistent with Azerbaijan’s foreign policy.
To this effect:

  • develops and implements the concept of international relations;
  • ensures the provision of structural divisions with international literary novelties and analytical information;
  • establishes relations with relevant institutions and organizations abroad;
  • researches foreign partners’ proposals and conducts negotiations;
  • coordinates relations with mass media outlets and NGOs;
  • examines and analyses ways how the translation work is organized in other countries, ensuring the application of best practices;
  • cooperates with professional international translation institutions;
  • signs documents framing bilateral cooperation (agreement, contract, memorandum of understanding, protocol of intent, etc.) with public and private institutions;
  • establishes ties with accredited foreign embassies and consulates, as well as diplomatic missions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in foreign countries, cultural institutions of international and regional organizations;
  • ensures interaction with transnational, international and local companies, public associations, business clubs, NGOs, universities, research institutes engaged in translations;
  • arranges the implementation of literary and cultural projects and the mutual exchange of literary publications;
  • ensures the participation in international programs and projects;
  • arranges meetings with both local and foreign celebrities in the fields of translation, literature, and culture;
  • takes comprehensive measures to improve the work of structural units through inviting specialists from foreign countries and facilitating their activities in Azerbaijan;
  • represents and promotes Azerbaijan at international cultural, book and other festivals and exhibitions;
  • establishes relations with international translation associations, societies and unions;
  • arranges translation-related international events (meetings, fairs, forums, and conferences) in Azerbaijan and beyond;
  • develops and carries out projects in the field of culture, language and translation with a view to implementing the state policy.

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  • Romanian Ambassador Visits AzTC Romanian Ambassador Visits AzTC
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