• The Collected Ghazals of Nasimi Published in Moscow
    The Collected Ghazals of Nasimi Published in Moscow

    The Moscow Central House of Writers hosted a launch of a book...

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  • Free Spanish Language Courses start
    Free Spanish Language Courses start

    The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) is pleased to announce...

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  • Distinguished Israeli writer visits AzSTC
    Distinguished Israeli writer visits AzSTC

    The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) on Thursday received a visit...

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  • The book Who Am I?  out now
    The book Who Am I? out now

    The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre is pleased to announce the publication of the book...

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  • Book Launching – Poems-Filled Nights
    Book Launching – Poems-Filled Nights

    The presentation and book signing of Poems-Filled Nights by Shahriyar Del Gerani...

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  • Translation Centre takes part in the VI Baku International Book Exhibition-Fair
    Translation Centre takes part in the VI Baku International Book Exhibition-Fair

    On September 27th, 2019, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan..

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