• State Translation Centre Joins International Forum of Translators
    State Translation Centre Joins International Forum of Translators

    Publications of the Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) have been showcased at Kochur Fest, an international forum of translators in Ukraine...

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  • Russian Generals’ Impressions About Armenians in Foreign Media
    Russian Generals’ Impressions About Armenians in Foreign Media

    Al-Wasila and Es-Sahraa, Egypt’s crowd-pleasing news portals, have posted in Arabic report based on the video Imperial Russian Army Generals About Armenians, as part of the Azerbaijan State Translation Centre’s project...

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  • British-American Generals About Armenians
    British-American Generals About Armenians
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  • Famous Armenians About Their Own Nation, Language and Culture
    Famous Armenians About Their Own Nation, Language and Culture

    Many prominent scholars, philosophers, and writers from all over the world have expressed their views on most common Armenian traits. But the real truth about Armenian history, who they are, and their culture was featured by their own celebrities...

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  • Virtual World Posts Video Demonstrating Imperial Russian Army Generals’ Impressions About Armenians
    Virtual World Posts Video Demonstrating Imperial Russian Army Generals’ Impressions About Armenians

    As part of Azerbaijan Realities in Virtual World, an Azerbaijan State Translation Centre project has produced a video Imperial Russian Army Generals About Armenians in Virtual World, featuring the real scenery of that time and exposing...

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  • Imperial Russian Army Generals about Armenians
    Imperial Russian Army Generals about Armenians

    Major General Vladimir Mayevsky, who was a Russian diplomat and consul in Turkey in 1895 - 1913, wrote in his report 'Bitlis and Van Provinces in Statistics' sent to St. Petersburg: 'It was necessary to show Europe that the Armenians were allegedly subjected to oppression and genocide in the Ottoman Empire...

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