• Book about Nadir Shah Published
    Book about Nadir Shah Published

    The book titled Letters by Nadir Shah's Physician Ordinary - As a Valuable Source for the Last Period of His Ruling and Details...

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  • Nariman Abdulrahmanly’s Short Story Appears on Iran-based Literary Portal
    Nariman Abdulrahmanly’s Short Story Appears on Iran-based Literary Portal

    Tabrizema, a proven Iran-based literature web portal, has posted the short story...

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  • Global News Portals Post a Video on Republic Day
    Global News Portals Post a Video on Republic Day
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  • AzTC-based Translation Agency Thrust into the Global Limelight
    AzTC-based Translation Agency Thrust into the Global Limelight

    Global news portals such as Yeni gün (Turkey), Alwasela, Saada Online Hakek...

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  • Leila Aliyeva’s Selected Poems Appear in a Georgian Newspaper
    Leila Aliyeva’s Selected Poems Appear in a Georgian Newspaper

     “Ukimerioni” (უქიმერიონი), a proven Georgian newspaper under the Georgian National Academy of Sciences...

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  • Mikayil Mushfig’s Poems on Belarus Literary Portal
    Mikayil Mushfig’s Poems on Belarus Literary Portal

    Sozvuchiye, a proven Belarus-based literature web portal, has...

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