The story of March 8 – the International Women’s Day, which is celebrated with love and honour around the world...
Crowd-pleasing global news portals, such as Dzayerinfo (Algeria); Alharir (China); Interpress and (Uzbekistan)...
The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) is pleased to announce the launch of the book Mirror of Stage...
The Khojaly genocide, one of the gravest crimes against humanity, will be forever etched in our minds as the bloodiest in history...
The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) is pleased to announce about the oncoming publication of a 150-volume series 'Pearls of World Literature' to promote the reading culture in the country and to acquaint ...
The Azerbaijan State Translation Centre (AzSTC) is pleased to announce the launch of the book New Dictionary of Loanwords (explanatory dictionary) including new words related to the processes and trends in the socio-political, economic, socio-cultural...